Celebrating 20 Years of Diablo!!

Happy Birthday, Diablo!! That’s right, one of Blizzard’s premier IP’s turned another page this year, celebrating a 2oth anniversary milestone! It’s been 20 years since Blizzard has blessed us with dungeon crawls, and legendary items, and loot goblins. Oh, the loot goblins! So what better way  commemorate this momentous occasion than by playing some celebratory…

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Pokémon POP Episode 6: All The Johns

We felt like there weren’t enough Johns being represented on the show, so we brought in another John from our AGB Crew, John Random. There were a bunch of new evolutions amongst the three of us this week, and we were pretty giddy to be back together after the holiday break. New Pokemon Evolutions Charizard Blastoise Gyarados…

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